December 7, 2024


106.1FM – Zive usekhaya

Adopt A Part

If you would like to Adopt A Part please contact our station via email: by phone: 081 335 3343 alternatively on Whats App: 081 335 3343


Adopt A Part of Mbhashe FM

Whether you call it Adopt A Spot or Adopt A Part, Mbhashe FM adoption programs allows local volunteers to take ownership of their community and help to have a voice. This program is not part of just making adoption, but possibility for your own affiliate, organization or to create and make the community to have a voice of its own in a form of Mbhashe Community Radio Station.


Why Mbhashe FM Adoption Program

Adoption can be an affordable way to gain a group buy in and long-term assistance from your community adopting groups takes pride and ownership in area of adoption and will often adopt the same spot for many years.


How does the Adopt A Part of Mbhashe FM works

The programs allow every member of the community to be able to take part on the program depending on the part adopted at Mbhashe FM.


Community member:

  • Community member will adopt a part by volunteering time and subscribe to membership.



  • The organization can adopt a part of the station by the way their services to the community and get the air back from the station


  • An individual can also adopt the part of the station by the way of donating in part of the station.



  • A business can adopt a part of Mbhashe FM, through their CSI program or a way of donation funds or equipment.


Municipality and

  • Local and District municipality can adopt a part of Mbhashe FM through community projects/npo funding model ony IDP inline projects.


Government Dept.

  • Local and National government can adopt a part in our organization through its agencies for community development.